Charlie Dominick Charlie Dominick

it’s TRUE

Tomorrow the finale of THE ASCENDED ERA premieres. Everything has been finalized and the premiere page will be up later today on YouTube. I held a screening for the spiritualists yesterday and everyone was happy. I hope you feel the same.

We are coming up on a busy season on the vortex property. September is a month of preparation and October is a month of execution.

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Charlie Dominick Charlie Dominick


Happy Labor Day. Days off aren’t truly an option on the vortex property. Today, for instance, I am planting potion in the garden and cleaning the feshp.

Work on the finale continues. It will be ready for its debut September 10th. Yeira surprised me when she told me this was the date to post the finale, I assumed it would be later. But she felt the tenth was the only time to end our telling of the Ascended Era. It is titled “It’s True” and it is over eight minutes long, our longest episode to date.

I wish everyone a wondrous day. Thank you all for your support and kindness. It’s a joy to share the story of our vortex and I am very excited for what is to come.

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Charlie Dominick Charlie Dominick


It’s late on the property, sun has set, slight briskness in the air. I will have the newest video up soon, Episode 15 of the Ascended Era. As you may have noticed, the new logo has been added. I have been told that the R looks like an I but alas, I have put much time into this and feel there is significant meaning in all of my choices of font and spacing. I aimed to imbibe the history, aesthetics and unique feeling of our vortex into this logo. I hope you like it.

I am looking out at the night sky and can feel the vortex very strongly tonight. I am in a good place and hope you are as well. I apologize for the delay in my tarot readings, but I am working to incorporate MUCH into this website and social media realm.

  • flory

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Charlie Dominick Charlie Dominick


Tonight at 8PM ET, GNOMES debuts. This is a defining moment in our public relations effort, as we begin to fully delve into the gnomes on our property. Many have been anxiously awaiting this moment, and I can assure you all spiritualists on the vortex property are VERY EXCITED for tonight’s premiere. A reminder that this is a MANDATORY virtual event. It will only take 2 minute of your time. I know people enjoy their Friday evenings but we will have you on your way very shortly. I will be doing a screening on the vortex property for the spiritualists and will be LIVE IN THE YOUTUBE CHAT to take your questions for this major moment. SEE YOU TONIGHT.

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Charlie Dominick Charlie Dominick

the journey

Ascended Era 11 is now out, we have reached the arrival of Yeira Peeples. I have been working with Yeira closely on this video series, but she has also been very democratic in the process, allowing me to express myself as a writer and creator. I have enjoyed using the various AI programs to create imagery and sounds, I find it spiritually connective. Dealing with the fools online has been difficult, and I’ve needed to take breaks. I get upset. But work continues, in all of the realms. I have a larger update planned soon for Flory’s Tent, and of course continued new video content. We should be approaching the end of the Ascended Era by this Fall. Please enjoy the ride, please review all material. Happy Monday.

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Charlie Dominick Charlie Dominick

ascended era s1 complete

I have completed work on the first series of the ASCENDED ERA. I published the entirety of series 1 (AES1) in a video HERE and a compilation of EVERYTHING SO FAR THIS YEAR HERE.

I am going to begin the second series of The Ascended Era this summer, likely next month. June is a busy month on the vortex property. I am going on a trip starting today to acquire several ingredients for potions. Things must be set and ready for the fall.

This gives everyone ample time to catch up on all material provided so far. I encourage rewatching for those who wish to garner true comprehension. Thank you for your time, please remember to set as your home page. I am working on providing all videos in downloadable format as censorship of the vortex has been an ongoing issue. Growing very tired of these cowardly keyboard twits. Thank you for your time.

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Charlie Dominick Charlie Dominick


Hello, thank you for visiting and consuming this website. I have been building this in collaboration with other spiritualists on the vortex property, including of course Yeira Peeples herself who commanded this public relations endeavor.i am flory redder. i am the current healer on the property. i am also the vortex archivist.




We do not allow visitors to the vortex property for the public’s own protection; thus the location of our vortex will not be disclosed. Do not be fooled into thinking we are some oddity though, there are many spiritual vortices on this planet.


As I said, I am Flory Redder. I will be the only person posting on this site. I receive approval from Yeira Peeples for all video content but not for all posts, so it must be clarified that these blog posts are not specifically approved by the ascended Yeira Peeples.


I produce our videos using Runway ML, an AI video program. I use Eleven Labs for voice and lately have been implementing Suno for music. I have found spiritual fulfillment in the use of these programs and feel it is entirely ethical. If you disagree or want to tell me about the demonic state of AI technologies, you can politely leave this site and go to another one. Many events that occurred in our history were on another spiritual plane, it would be impossible to portray in any way regardless.

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